Entregamos dados valiosos sobre seus equipamentos, ambientes e produtos.
Nossos serviços
Alertas imediatos
Com seus dados e alertas em tempo real 24 x 7, suas ações ocorrem de maneira rápida e eficiente permitindo prever falhas que estão para ocorrer ou mesmo com maior antecipação. Com isso você economiza dinheiro e tempo.
Gráficos em Tempo Real
Você pode ter o melhor produto ou serviço do mundo, mas se você não pode efetivamente tratar e antecipar os problemas você pode estar perdendo oportunidades. Nosso sistema de monitoramento te ajudará com a previsãoe e velocidade de reação.
Data Analytics
Effective data analysis helps businesses of all sizes to save money, see the bigger market trends and streamline internal processes. Our team helps you identify the data streams you should be tracking and following, and sets up processes and visualization tools to help you make sense of the data. From one-off consultation to ongoing partnerships, our data analysts are available on short notice to help you steer your business to the right direction.
Our in-house data analysts have a hands-on approach to data.
Companies analyzed
Last year, we were able to help nearly 50 companies.
Dollars saved in a day
Our consultants were able to save our client $130k in a day.
Data Visualization
You've got the data, but struggle in visualizing the market changes and consumer behavior? We've got your back. Our in-house team of UI/UX designers ensure that all data, no matter how complex, can be displayed through visualization tools in ways that actually make sense to shareholders at a glance.
UI/UX designers
Our designers have an extensive background in data analysis.
Visualizations made
From presentations to marketing materials and beyond.
Ongoing projects
Data changes, but our team stands by your side when you need us.
Contact us
Whether you have a request, a query, or want to work with us, use the form below to get in touch with our team.